Welcome to Tracks of My Texas Ancestors Story Page.
Although I never Met many of the folks I write about, they are people I Know
They are the very Essence of My Soul. 
They are my People and I Am Them.
These are Their Stories. 
I am priviledged to be my Ancestors Tracker.
To My Family...This is your Heritage.  Treasure and become a Tracker for Future Generations. 
Love You All....Sue
To Readers...Click on Title Link to Read Story Posts and View Pictues.  Enjoy!  If you would like to leave a may do so at the end of each story in the Comment Box...or email ...

Two Boys and A Donkey Makin Tracks
My Uncle MD...that's his NAME not Initials...told me many stories about growing up in Grandfalls, Texas.  His Sister Irene, my Aunt and Family Tracker, spent a lifetime collecting our Family History and sharing her stories.  This First Short Story is based on Real Life events and Places shared with me by MD and Irene.

The 'Old Man' from Down The Dusty Road tells this story.  Turns out he could have been Willard and MD's step granddaddy, if he'd stayed married to Martha Jane Marley Carroll.  The photo  is one of the pictures from the Old Album that is thought to have belonged to Martha Jane.  The rider is thought to be Bob Offield...'The Old Man'.
Third and Fourth Generations Follow
Great Uncle Mert said he rembered like it was yesterday when the wagon got stuck in the mud and Stella was left to birth the calf in a winter storm.  His recollections are the basis for this Homestead story.  I'm so glad I loved to listen to his stories.  Stella Carroll was my Grandmother, Mother of my Dad, and Mert's Sister.
Photo ~ Willard Carroll Pittman ~ Grandfalls, TX ~ 1982

Thelma Klemish weds Texas man.
That was big news in Brayton, Iowa. 
Iowa farm girls didn't much take off for Texas like my Mama and her best friend Phylis did.
 And  nobody had ever heard of anyone ever marrying a Texas Cowboy.
This is my Mama and Daddy's Love Story!